My Gratitude for the People and Services that Changed My Son's Life
"Parents need to plan for their children's future, especially when they have special needs like my son, Peter. I created a Special Needs Trust to care for Peter when I'm no longer around to help him, as well as a specific planned gift to support Ability Beyond. I can never thank Ability enough for their devoted staff, especially during Peter's cancer treatment. I'm sure their care contributed to his cure.
Not only do I want to make sure I do everything I can to help Peter in the future, I want to help ensure the longevity of Ability Beyond by directly supporting their needs. Whether it's to sustain operational costs, plan for group vacations for Peter's housemates, hire the best staff or create new servicesthis is the way parents care for their children and the place that's given them such a wonderful life. I'm so grateful to Ability for all they've done for Peter!"